Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mailbox Freebies

I love checking my mailbox! I'm getting all kinds of free stuff this week! Good thing too because the sales aren't that great this week.

I got these coupons from and I don't have to buy anything to get them free!

 I got this free recycled bag from Green Giant, and was surprised when they also sent a coupon for a FREE  5 lb bag of potatoes!

I got all this stuff free in my mailbox a couple weeks ago... lots and lots of coupons, and free pack of gum.

 More free gum Brian picked up for me yesterday while at Wal-Mart.  He used  eight $1 coupons from 6/13 SS newspaper. 

FREEEEE GUM, now that's something to chew on! ;)

Out with the BAD, and in with the GOOD

"Where the heart is willing, it will find a thousand ways. Where it is unwilling, it will find a thousand excuses."
~ Arlen Price 

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." ~Unknown

Today and every day from now on, I am throwing out the excuses.  The past two years have been full of nothing but excuses.  So, it's out with the bad, and in with the good.  It's time to be with people who will find a thousand ways to be there for me, like I have been for them. It's time to stop making people a priority, who only make me an option.  LET THE HEALING BEGIN!